Série vers Bluetooth 5.0


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Bluetooth 5.0
1 x RS232/RS485/RS422
Prise en charge de Modbus avec une longueur de registre de 4 ou moins

AperçuCaractéristiquesModel ComparisonEnquêteRessources

Support Modbus
Recommend to operate with the number of data not more than 4 from the start address
About 1-2 pieces of data will get dropped from every 200 pieces of data in general operation environment with the number of data not more than 4 from the start address. More data could get dropped if the number of data from the start address is more than 4 or even more.

Simple and Straight Configuration Utility

CPU : ARM Cortex M4 32 bit FPU , 64M Hz
Memory : 1MB Flash ROM , 256KB RAM
Bluetooth Module : Nordic NRF 52840

Serial Port
Number of Ports : RS232/RS422/RS485 * 1 Port ( auto detect )
RS-232 : Rx , Tx , GND , RTS , CTS
RS-422 : Tx+ , Tx-, Rx+ , Rx- ( Surge Protect )
RS-485 : Data+ , Data- ( Surge Protect)
Built-in RS-422/RS-485 Terminal Resistor
Speed : 4800 bps〜115.2K bps
Parity : None , Even
Data Bit : 8
Stop Bit : 1

Bluetooth 5.0
Compliant with Bluetooth v5.0
Operate in 2.4GHz – 2.483GHz ISM Band
-95dBm sensitivity in 1Mbps Bluetooth low energy Mode
+8 dBm TX power(down to -20 dBm in 4 dB steps)
Support Bluetooth Data Rate 1Mbit/sec.
Operating Distance up to 100 meters
Security : 128-bit AES

Setup : Setup Utility on PC / AT command
Use RS232 Crosslink cable to connect to PC for setup
Power : DC 9 ~ 24V / 50ma @ 12V
Led Lamp : SYS (red) , Pairing (green) , Rx(red) , Tx(green)
Operating Temperature : -10℃~70℃
Storage Temperature : -25℃~80℃
Dimension : 85 x 75 x 25 mm ( W x D x H )
Weight : 150 g ( not include power )

DescriptionRS232 to Bluetooth 2.0Série vers Bluetooth 2.1Série vers Bluetooth 5.0RS232 vers Bluetooth 2.1RS485 to Bluetooth 2.1RS232 to Bluetooth 5.2RS485 to Bluetooth 5.2
Bluetooth ChipsetCSRCSRNordic 52840
Carrier Frequency2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz2400~2483.5 MHz
ClassClass 1Class 1Class 1Class 1Class 1Class 1Class 1
Tx RF Output Power13 dBm13 dBm8 dBm18 dBm18 dBm6 dBm6 dBm
Rx Sensitivity-86 dBm (min)-86 dBm (min)-93 dBm (min)-86 dBm-86 dBm106.7 dBm106.7 dBm
AntennaSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBiSMA plug 2 dBi
Distance100 meters100 meters100 meters100 meters100 meters100 meters100 meters
Baud Rate1.2 ~ 115.2 Kbps1.2 ~ 115.2 Kbps4.8 ~ 115.2 Kbps2.4 ~ 230.4 Kbps1.2 ~ 921.6 Kbps2.4 ~ 230.4 Kbps1.2 ~ 921.6 Kbps
SPP (Serial Port Protocol)VVVV
AT commandVV
Setup UtilityVVVVVVV
Power InputDC 5~7 VDC 9~24 VDC 9~30 VDC 5~28 VDC 5~28 VDC 5~28 VDC 5~28 V
DIN-Rail MountingVV
Température de fonctionnement-10° C ~ 70° C-10 °C ~ 70 °C-10 °C ~ 70 °C-30 °C ~ 75 °C-30 °C ~ 75 °C-20 °C ~ 75 °C-30 °C ~ 75 °C
Poids net35 g95 g100 g105 g111 g114 g120 g

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    Fichier Description Taille
    pdf BT452 Quick Guide BT452 Bluetooth 5.0 to Serial Quick Guide 201901e
    383 Ko
    zip Configuration Utility v1.3 BT5 Uart Config v1.3 2019.3.22
    387 Ko