Entrada analógica Modbus RTU
TI chipset 16-bit resolution
4 x Analog input data acquisition
Selective as 4~20 mA and 0~10 V DC by jumper settings
Modbus RTU E/S analógicas
TI chipset 16-bit resolution
4 x Analog input data acquisition
Selective as 4~20 mA and 0~10 V DC by jumper settings
Any combination of analog input and output
TI chipset 16-bit resolution (inputs)
4 x Analog input data acquisition
2 x Analog output
Selective as 0~10 V DC and 4~20 mA by jumper settings
TI chipset 16-bit resolution
Total of 8 analog input data acquisition
4 x channels selective as 4~20 mA and 0~10 V DC by jumper settings
2 x channels 0~10 V DC
2 x channels 0~300 V DC